Community- Supported Agriculture Effort Inspires A Theater Company

November 11, 2009 § Leave a comment

Jon Stancato, co-artistic director of the Stolen Chair Theatre Company, recently interviewed local farmers and decided to adapt their business model.
Community supported farms raise money from a group of supporters, and in return,
the supporters receive various benefits including chances to participating in the process of producing. The Stolen Chair’s “creative Harvest” will invite 75 supporters who are willing to pay $110 in minimum to support the development of the theater’s annual production which will this year delve into arts and physics. Supporters will have chances to get more closely involved in the production related activities such as live rehearsals and a discussion between scientists and artists so that they can be more familiar with and understand better about the process of the production.
I thought that this well reflects what’s called “donor centered fundraising.”  One of the big reasons for lapsed donors is insufficient or poor quality information concerning their gifts at work. Donors, especially first time or second time givers, would definitely need to know about the effectiveness of their donations at work. More loyal, proactive donors would probably give money anyway regardless of the information on how their money is spent, but in order to lead donors to that stage, organizations need to build up relationship with donors by giving noteworthy information on how well and crucially the donations are used for the organization. By getting the supporters involved in the process of their annual production, the Stolen Stair would be able to offer hands on experience with the organization, and I believe that this will build up better, stronger relationship.
Se Hyun (Claire)

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